Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Okay, so I think I am avoiding my own blog.  How sad is that?!?!

Part of the reason I had to take a break from doll sewing is that I despise the taking pictures thing.  I am not that good at it, it is time consuming and not as much fun as ALL the other aspects of my work....which means I let it pile up until there is a mountain of it which is simply just too tall to climb.

So here we are again, only it is the quilting I need to do pics of.... :(  time for doll sewing again? heheh  A dear friend has offered to take some of my work to the last Gene Convention in June so I am feeling a bit tempted to make a few spectacular bits just to have some income without all the PICTURES!?!? 

Things I should be posting about over the last month include:  The Hexagon Placemats, the Butterfly Garden experiment, my Strip Hexes and Modern Art, and let's not forget the Foundation Stripped Asian experiment....there is also the Unnamed Circle project on the floor (needs borders before I can inset the rest of the circles.)  Oh and there is a new fabric palette here on one of my bins crying out to be something....but only after the Micheal Miller "Lagoon" gets to be something (I like those so well I am feeling a little chicken to cut in to it! hehehe)  AND I have yet to even try out my Accuquilt GO! cutter (I plan on doing THAT today.) And I suppose on a final note, I just found out that the Yongsan Quilters Group has a Statler Stitcher?!?!?  $35,000 of longarm computer amazingness that is available for use.  Of course, I can't find anyone to tell me about it (or how to join if you hae to be a member...NEED to work on that.)

So there!  No pictures, but not short on Work or Play. k.

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