Sunday, May 9, 2010

And Another Kind of Work

As you may be aware, the boy loves trains in all their many forms.  For his birthday he got trains, of course.....and so nearly every day I have a new kind of work.

The picture on the top is today's creation. I like the spiral levels but we simply don't have enough corners. hehehe (You can see the wimp out raw edges in the center of the pic.)

The second picture is actually from several weeks ago when I meant to write this entry. I was particularly pleased with this one as there are no raw edges to be found and I believe all track can be traversed in a single loop.

For the record these are GeoTrax and the best price I have found is actually from the FisherPrice website!

The trouble with making fun train tracks is that i doesn't get that I don't actually want to PLAY trains. He is only moderately interested in the building process and I am not so interested in making things go around and around and around...

In addition to the fact that he will regularly state that he just doesn't like this one...I have somewhat mixed feelings about this new work of mine. (He also regularly tells everyone that his dad bought him all these trains, despite the fact that all but the very first small set have been acquired by me. hehehe N is lucky he has such a great assistant to make sure gifts get ordered, make travel arrangements and do the laundry. hah!) In any case the work continues....

1 comment:

Matt Olsen said...

Wow, that GeoTrax operation is Matt Olsen approved! We have a few tubs of the stuff. You should really add the clock tower to your want list - that makes for a nice way to tie multiple levels together!