Saturday, December 1, 2007

With A Sigh! for Round 5 Commentary

I apologize to those of you who were hoping for some commentary and soul searching from this round too. There really wasn't much. I was sick sick sick during this round and very stressed out for other reasons.

When they announced that it was Susie and that we had to pick a place, I looked at the Susie map and saw a huge hole over the Indian Subcontinent. Since I was always seeing people asking about Saris in Prego, I thought I would go for it. I envisioned a "Sari for the modern woman." The title of the design is "Mumbai in Motion" as Susie can have the elegance and flow of a tradition Sari but still move (and not drag her lovely fabrics in the street. :) Leigh, in the course of this round sent me a message about making his choice, during which he said (not knowing what I had chosen) that he figured India was "Played Out." So there it is. I liked it, and considering how wasted I was between baby and virus, I was actually ver pleased with my submission.

I focused entirely on making my design reproducible. I didn't add a lot of additional hand details, although I had to remake the top as I got most of the way through one before I remembered that part of the had a little applied cord along the scalloped sleeve edge. The buttons on the skinny pants close by using a picot edge trim in the seam, so the loops are already spaced and uniform. I was really happy with the way it worked out. I thought about adding some gold details to the plain Sari section, but again, felt like I should stick to the simple "do-able" options.

I had several color options that I contemplated during this round. I had 3 sheers in my stash that I thought I could use for the Sari wrap section. A bright Melon, a Canary yellow and a Royal Blue. WHen I went to the fabric store I was delighted to find a satiny tie-dye style fabric, super light weight for Susie that matched the melon and yellow exactly. I thought the texture in the dye was fun and would allow for the double colorway like the Chine Girl outfit that was held up as the ultimate example of what we were supposed to be doing. I submitted the yellow version as the pink version has a last minute fiddling I would have had to do with the pants hem.

Oh well.

Commentary for the round is a bit thin, and I am not sure if more of me is just caught up in worrying about my own injustices or if I am just working my way around to being less invested in the "Project." Not sure, but here goes:

Andrea: I like the London idea and the design is very cute. The dangling ribbon in the skirt was an interesting touch that I appreciated. I wondered as I looked at it, whether the judges/Ted would suggest that it was TOO much like the original influence, as I suspect mine was judged. Not sure how that will go. Very nice though.

Judith: I can see it, the Greek influence was very nicely captured. I had a hard time seeing what I suspect are details along the edge of the pleated layers. Lovely design.

Mario and Gianni: I really like the Matador idea, but denim is pretty bulky for this dainty little Susie sized gal. The gold trim was well realized.

Mine: ARGH! I understand now. I sure how the judges pics weren't like THIS! I feel like my design is completely misrepresented by these pictures. The pants aren't buttoned?!?!? I was so pleased with the technique involved. The Sari wrap....I worked the angle where it inserts in the pants so it would ascend smoothly around her back and up over the shoulder. I was worried that maybe time wouldn't be taken to lay the pleats in smoothly over her bust...but I never thought it would just be hung on her back like a misbegotten scarf. The attachment at the shoulder is a loop to hold the pleats in place, fed from Front to Back, not just to hold it at her shoulder. I guess I should have just sewn it in to place. I thought allowing them to be separated would make the dressing easier for the end user. Now I will be lucky if there even IS an end user, because who would buy it looking like this? Ugh! THe tie-dye in the fabric doesn't show well at all, you can't see the beaded flower pattern on the purse....shown like this it needs a necklace, in a way it just doesn't when wrapped properly. I guess it really was just my turn for disaster pics.

Karen: The bag really says national costume to me, and the great fringed knee socks. It is all in the details with Karen, isn't it. I wish I could muster up the attention to accessories that she always displays. :)

Brenda: When I first looked at this design I was not that impressed as I felt like I had to work to see the "Japan" in it.....until I got to the back of the dress. The Obi Wrap is awesome.

Debbie: I think this is my vote for "Best in Runway" this round. It is too bad that we doubled on the London entry, but I think I like this interpretation best. I also feel like the construction is exceptional, as there is really no excessive bulk at all in this outfit...which is insanely hard on this tiny little doll. Bravo!

Brandon: This is a really lovely outfit, I especially like the skirt, but I don't know that I would have been able to identify a place by just looking at it. Maybe I misinterpreted the challenge when I assumed that THAT was required.....I mean, I think mine was TOO easy to id.....hmmmmm.

Leigh: Native American vs. Rocky Mountains....since I am from the Mountain West ostensibly, I can see the distinction, and I think Leigh was right to point that out. I wish we could see pics of the bouse with the coat off. That is the part of this design I ma most interested in....although I do like hte suede slouch boots. Nice touch.

So there it is, my review of the runway. Upon reflection, I do think I have too much of me wrapped up in the "injustice" of my photographic disaster. I assumed too much on the perceived straightforward-ness of my design...I mean, it is obviously a Sari wrap to me. Sigh!

More after the judging is announced.


Anonymous said...


darlingdivadurelle said...

Another favorite of mine (my top 3) in this challenge. Very simple idea with a lot of very difficult fabrication all done perfectly, one being the pants legs. The detailing is so lovely at the ankle, very striking. I loved the fabric choice here too, a very molded pink. This design was edited perfectly – in this case less is MORE. And with a perfect fit. Thank goodness you kept it simple that is the success of the design. I wish I could see that little hand bag.. Bet it is cute too. I read you were disappointed with the styling of the sari but in my opinion it did not negate the quality of the design. . Well done.. Good luck.