Saturday, October 27, 2007

The Pockets as I imagined them

I just added this and another outfit in the same group to my Ellowyne Salesroom (check the link to the right.) These pants were made after the competition, but to check my idea. I wanted the pockets to be positional: either conservative and up or higher contrast, folded down. The pants that were sent in for the competition did not have quite enough curve in them to make it look like I meant it. These are more what I had envisioned....and it seems that the chief complaint of reviewers reporting in is that they didn't like the here they are in a wide legged style. (No, I didn't make them today...I wish!) As I mentioned in chat on the subject of Capris, I considered wide legged trousers, but decided I wanted to stick to the gloomy Summer effect, since Chills is so very Winter-y.

The Blouse is the prototype for the Fans Blouse....but alas, only for the FIT of the blouse. You will note the cuffs have a different style closure and the sleeves on Fans are a bit puffier....I wish I had been bold enough to go full puff like Brandon's....but I was worried it wouldn't fit in the sleeve of the Jacket. hehehe

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